Parshwanath Dyestuff Industries | Industrial Dyes & Chemical Dyes Manufacturers and Exporters in Ahmedabad
Parshwanath Dyestuff Industries is Manufacturers and Exporters of Industrial Chemical Dyes in Ahmedabad. The company is a leading Business Conglomerate in Dyestuff Industry since 1997 with five separate production units including latest scientific technology & latest sophisticated testing equipment with qualified and experienced professionals. The Company offers Reactive Dyes, Food Colour, Pigment Powder, Acid Dyes, Wood Stain Dyes, Direct Dyes at very comparative rates.
Products & Services: Food Colour, Reactive Dyes, Pigment Powder, Wood Stain Dyes, Acid Dyes, Direct Dyes, Solvent Dyes.
Here you can find business information of company such as business address, contact Nos., contact persons, products & services and nature of business etc.. At Ahmedabad Business Pages company listed in Industrial Supplies Business category.
Contact Information:
Name of Business: Parshwanath Dyestuff Industries
Business Address: I-5617, Phase-II, Vatva G.I.D.C, Vatva
Landmark: Near Vatva G.I.D.C.
City & Pin Code: Ahmedabad – 382 445
State & Country: Gujarat, India
Phone No: +91 – 079 – 40083231, 25834410, 40085400, 40083232
Contact Person: Mr. Jitendra Patel
Mobile No: +91 – 9825011254, 9979874744, 9909903636
Business Category: Industrial Supplies
Type of Business: Industrial Chemical Dyes Manufacturers and exporters