Akshay Engineering in Amraiwadi, Ahmedabad | Printing and Packaging Machinery Manufacturer
Akshay Engineering is a leading Manufacturer of Printing and Packaging Machinery in Ahmedabad. The company offers Hand Operated Batch Printing Machine, Semi Automatic Batch Printing Machine, Batch Printing/Coding Machine, Label Gumming Machine, Tablet Hardness Tester, Packaging Material, Packaging Design, Container and Packaging, Design Packaging, Protective Packaging at competitive rates.
Products & Services: Semi-Automatic Batch Printing Machine, Hand Operated Batch Printing Machine, Batch Printing/Coding Machine, Tablet Hardness Tester, Label Gumming Machine, Packaging Material, Container and Packaging, Packaging Design, Protective Packaging, Design Packaging.
Here you can find business information of company such as business address, contact Nos., contact persons, products & services and nature of business etc.. At Ahmedabad Business Pages company listed in Industrial Supplies Business category.
Contact Information:
Name of Business: Akshay Engineering
Business Address: 20-21, Nathalal Estate, Near Jashodanagar Char Rasta, Narol-Naroda Highway, Amraiwadi
Landmark: Near Jalaram Party Plot
City & Pin Code: Ahmedabad – 382 026
State & Country: Gujarat, India
Phone No: +91 – 079 – 25855756, 25853057
Contact Person: Mr. K. D. Mehta, Mr. Bharat Mehta
Mobile No: +91 -9879060135
Business Category: Packaging & Paper, Industrial Supplies
Type of Business: Printing and Packaging Machinery Manufacturer