Ahmedabad Heart Hospital in Satellite | Cardiovascular and Thoracic Medical Care Services
Ahmedabad Heart Hospital in Satellite is providing Cardiovascular and Thoracic Medical Care Services in Ahmedabad. The hospital was founded in the year of 2006 as a high-end medical facility specializing in medical and surgical treatment of Cardiac, Pulmonary, Thoracic and Vascular diseases under Dr. Sinha’s auspices to provides world class cardiovascular and thoracic medical care & services at an affordable cost. The hospital is a trusted name in providing patient care and medical services such as Heart Valve & Mitral Valve Repair. The hospital has 24 hours emergency attendance by Medical Officers and well trained and skilled nursing staff also has well equipped Intensive Critical Care Unit and Operation Theater where Cardiac (non CPB cases), Pulmonary, Thoracic and Vascular surgeries are done. A team of qualified medical professionals provide the high quality medical, surgical and preventive care support. The Hospital organizes camps and lectures in various cities of Gujarat and South Rajasthan to promote social awareness about the Cardiac, Pulmonary, Thoracic and Vascular diseases among the general public.
Here you can find business information of company such as business address, contact Nos., contact persons, products & services and nature of business etc.. At Ahmedabad Business Pages company listed in Hospitals category.
Contact Information :-
Name of Hospital : Ahmedabad Heart Hospital
Address : 404, High Street 2, Asopalav House, Opp. Keshav Baugh Party Plot, 132 ft Ring Road, Satellite
Landmark : Near Keshav Baugh Party Plot
City & Pin Code : Ahmedabad – 380015
State & Country: Gujarat, India
Contact Person : Priyankar Sinha
Phone No / Mobile No: +91 – 079 – 2676 0008, 2676 3600
Category : Hospitals
Type of Services : Cardiovascular and Thoracic Medical Care Services