PSM Hospital | Multi Speciality Hospital in Kalol
PSM Hospital, a unit of the Shri Swaminarayan Vishavmangal Gurukul is a well established Multi Speciality Hospital in Kalol with state-of-the art modern facility and latest medical technology acquisition. The hospital spread over 10 acres and having 120 beds with a capacity to expand to 400 beds. The Hospital focuses on centres of excellence like Emergency Medicine, Orthopaedics, Cancer and besides the complete range of 20+ allied medical disciplines under same premises.
PSMH Hospitals, Kalol provides holistic healthcare that includes rehabilitation, prevention, health education and treatment for patients that include Critical Care, Anaesthesiology, Orthopaedics, Cardiology, Radiology & Imagine, Gynaecology, Trauma Surgery, Urologist, Vascular Surgery, Dentistry and related treatment at affordable charges.
Here you can find information like hospital Address, consulting time, type of treatment, contact no etc.. At Ahmedabad Business Pages, the hospital listed under Hospital & Health Business category.
Contact Information :-
Name of Hospital : PSM Hospital – Prem Swaroop Swami Multi Speciality Hospital
Address : Ahmedabad-Mehsana Highway, Post -Saij, Kalol
City & Pin Code : Kalol – 380013
State & Country : Gujarat, India
Phone No / Mobile No: +91 – 9879614190
Contact Person : Swami Bhatavatsal Dasji
Business Category : Hospitals, Health & Beauty
Type of Hospital : Multi Speciality Hospital
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