PAN Engineers in Paldi, Ahmedabad | Building Construction Companies in Ahmedabad
PAN Engineers in Paldi is one of the leading Construction Companies in Ahmedabad. The company has 17 years of industrial experience in consultation and construction on restructuring, Repairing or Strengthening, Retrofitting of bungalow, flat, shed, tenement, industry, factory and bungalow. The company offer RCC road, RCC water tank, trimix flooring, rebarring, demolition by breaker, core cutting, anchor fastening, anchor bolt, foundation bolt anchoring.etc and able to core cutting of different diameter of holes in RCC without disturbing surrounding construction, rebarring and anchor bolting to machinery foundation.
The company also provide services such as demolition work by breaker, core cutting, breaker on rent, rebarring of TMT bars and anchor bolting to machinery foundation, core cutting of different diameter holes to RCC and Masonry, slab cutting , RCC labour work for the construction of tenement, bungalows, factories, industries, residential, commercial schemes, underground tanks, overhead tanks, sleet making to elevation in Ahmadabad and Gandhinagar city.
The company also offer breaker on rent and also taking demolition contracts for demolition of buildings, bungalows, tenements, brick masonry and plastering work of bungalows, tenements, factories, industries, residential/commercial schemes, Brick masonry and pointing work.
- Construction and Renovation
- Demolition by Breaker
- Repairing or Strengthening
- Breaker on Rent
- Rebarring and Corecutting
Here you can find business information of company such as business address, contact Nos., contact persons, products & services and nature of business etc.. At Ahmedabad Business Pages company listed in Construction & Real Estate Business category.
Contact Information:
Name of Business : PAN Engineers
Business Address : 7, New Setu Apartment, New Vikas Gruh Road , Opp. Ashoknagar Bus Stop, Paldi
Landmark : Near Ashoknagar Bus Stop
City & Pin Code : Ahmedabad – 380007
State & Country: Gujarat, India
Phone No : +91- 7383094710
Contact Person : Pankit Shah
Mobile No : 98257792277
Business Category : Construction, Real Estate
Type of Business : Building Construction Companies