Ointment Cream Manufacturing Plant Supplier in Ahmedabad | Prism Pharma Machinery
Since its foundation in Gujarat in 2003, Prism Pharma Machinery has become one of the leading supplier of a wide range of complete line of processing, packaging and laboratory equipment worldwide. The company has world’s largest range of lab, pilot & production scale process equipment machineries for Powder, Liquid and Ointment processing for the application of milling, size reducing, drying, granulating, coating, pelletizing, pellet coating, mixing, blending, vacuumised mixing, filtration, tabletting, stirring, material conveying, cleaning, homogenizing, evaporation, containment and fermentation as well as process integration and process automation service for Biotech, Ayurvedic & Herbals, Paint, Ceramics, Nutraceuticals, Research and Development of Pharmaceuticals, Cosmetic, Foods, Detergent, Catalysts, Agro Chemical, Dairy, Bakery, Confectionery, Chemical, Silica and Pharma Institutes. The company has satisfied clients which include Domino Pizza Jubilant FoodWorks Limited, Janssen Pharmaceuticals, Godrej Hersheys (Nutrine Confectionary), Hindustan Unilever, Patanjali Ayurveda Pvt Ltd, Ind Swift Laboratories Ltd, ITC Ltd, Ranbaxy Research Laboratories Ltd, and many more.
The company offer Ointment Cream Manufacturing Plant, Preparation vessel, reactor & Storage Tank, Vacuum Homogenizer Mixer, Dispo Homogenizer, Planetary Mixer, Lab Vacuum Homogenizer Mixer, Agitator- Stirrer, Lab Triple Roller Mill, Colloid Mill, Lab Colloid Mill, Inline Homogenizer, Skid CIP-WIP System, Automatic Liquid Syrup Manufacturing Plant, Lab Liquid Syrup Manufacturing Plant, Preparation vessel, reactor & Storage Tank, Tube Filling Machine, Tablet & Capsule packing, Tube Filling Machine, Rotary Bottle Washing Machine, Automatic Volumetric Liquid Bottlel Filling Machine, Semi Automatic volumetric bottle filling machine-2 head, Measuring Dosing Cup Placement & Pressing Machine, Packing Conveyor Belt, Automatic Single Head Screw Capping Machine, Visual Bottle Inspection Machine, Monoblock Rotary Piston Filling & Sealing Machine, Labeling Machine, Automatic Single Head Ropp Cap Sealing Machine, Linear Bottle Washing Machine, Multi Head Cap Sealing Machine at competitive rates.
Here you can find business information of company such as business address, contact Nos., contact persons, products & services and nature of business etc.. At Ahmedabad Business Pages company listed in Industrial Supplies Business category.
Contact Information:
Name of Business: Prism Pharma Machinery
Business Address: Plot No: 3713, Phase-IV, GIDC, Vatva
City & Pin Code: Ahmedabad – 382445
State & Country: Gujarat, India
Phone No / Mobile No: +91-079- 29095204, 93750 44789
Contact Person: Mr. Dilip Patidar
Business Category: Industrial Supplies
Type of Business: Ointment Cream Manufacturing Plant