L R Company | Laminate Flooring Distributor in Ahmedabad
L R Company is reputed & trusted Laminate Flooring Distributor in Ahmedabad and counted amongst the leading distributors, traders, retailers and suppliers of this highly commendable and diverse range of flooring products & flooring accessories. The company has a team of dedicated professionals who have an comprehensive knowledge about the flooring, ceiling and paneling industry. The company is catering to the needs of almost all the sectors including Builders and Developers, Architects and Interior designers, Contractors, Private corporates, Hospitality industry, Government and Semi-Government departments, IT sector, Turnkey projects and Private house owners, etc. to their entire satisfaction.
- Laminate Wooden Flooring
- Carpet Tiles, Hardwood Wooden Flooring
- Vinyl Sheet Flooring, Vinyl Tiles, False Ceiling
- PVC Wall Paneling, Carpet, Artificial Grass, Rugs Carpets
Here you can find business information of company such as business address, contact Nos., contact persons, products & services and nature of business etc.. At Ahmedabad Business Pages company listed in Interior Designs Business category.
Contact Information:
Name of Business : L R Company
Business Address : B-3/4, Chitrarath Complex, Swastik Cross Road, C.G. Road, Navrangpura
Landmark : Near Hotel President
City & Pin Code : Ahmedabad – 380009
State & Country : Gujarat, India
Phone No : +91-079-30004628
Contact Person : Mr. Vinay Rai
Mobile No : +91 – 9879431411
Business Category : Home Decor, Interior Designs
Type of Business : Laminate Flooring Suppliers