KOS Industry Trade Co. Ltd | High Shear Mixer, Industrial Homogenizer Emulsifier Manufacturer in China
KOS Industry Trade Co. Ltd is a professional High Shear Mixer and Industrial Homogenizer Emulsifier Manufacturer in China. With the advanced equipment and workmanship, KOS has the excellent production technicians and an efficient distribution team, as well as good service staff members, so that we can undertake your orders very efficiently and offer services very effectively.
In addition, KOS Machinery Factory provides customized services to our customer, and make the exact emulsifying machines according to our customers’ requests. You can suggest any design or give any special requirement for our products and we will do our best to customize them for you.
Products: Lab Homogenizer, High Shear Homogenizer, Inline Homogenizer, Bottom Homogenizer, Industrial Mixer, Emulsifying Equipment, Homogenizer Head, Homogenizer Tank.
Here you can find business information of company such as business address, contact Nos., contact persons, products & services and nature of business etc.. At Ahmedabad Business Pages company listed in Industrial Supplies Business category.
Contact Information:
Name of Business: KOS Industry Trade Co. Ltd
Business Address: A18 Second Floor, Building 1, Shunlian Machinery Plaza, ChenCun Town
City & Pin Code: Foshan – 528313
State & Country: Guangdong, China
Phone No / Mobile No: +86-0757-29318541
Business Category: Industrial Supplies
Type of Business: High Shear Mixer, Industrial Homogenizer Emulsifier Manufacturer