J.V. Corporation in Paldi | Fabricating Manufacturer in Ahmedabad
J.V.Corporation at Paldi is leading Manufacturer of fabricating and machining PTFE in Ahmedabad. The company offers Teflon fabricated parts like Teflon Ring, PTFE washers, valve seats, Metric Teflon O-Rings, PTFE Diaphragms, Teflon Gaskets, PTFE Gaskets, PTFE Bellows, Teflon Bellows, PTFE Ball, Teflon Ball, PTFE Plastic Balls, PTFE Piston Rings, Teflon Piston Rings at competitive rates. The company can also supply items made from different filled grades of PTFE-like Carbon, Glass, Bronze, Graphite, Mos2, Alumina at competitive rates.
Products & Services: PTFE Valve Seat, Teflon Ring, Teflon Washer, PTFE O-Ring, Teflon O-Rings, Diaphragms, Gaskets, Bellows, Balls, Piston Rings, Wear Strips, Mechanical Seals, Wear Rings, Packing Rings, impellers, Stop cock, Nozzles, V’ Rings set, Laboratory Equipment, Compressor spares.
Here you can find business information of company such as business address, contact Nos., contact persons, products & services and nature of business etc.. At Ahmedabad Business Pages company listed in Industrial Supplies Business Directory.
Contact Information:
Name of Business: J.V.Corporation- Paldi
Business Address: Vinod-Villa”, Mahalaxmi Char Rasta, Behind Krushnanand Complex, Paldi
Landmark: Near Mahalaxmi Char Rasta
City & Pin Code: Ahmedabad – 380007
State & Country: Gujarat, India
Phone No / Mobile No: +91 – 079 – 26588135, 26589506
Contact Person: Mr. Jigen Shah
Business Category: Industrial Supplies
Type of Business: Fabricating Manufacturer, Machining PTFE in Ahmedabad