Edyoucate is a pioneering educational institute located in Surat, dedicated to providing second chances to students who have faced setbacks in their academic journey. Recognizing the potential in every individual, we specialize in assisting students who have not succeeded in their 10th or 12th board exams from NIOS (National Institute of Open Schooling) and BOSSE (Board of Secondary Education) boards.
Here you can find business information about the company such as a business address, contact Nos., contact persons, products & services and nature of the business, etc.. At Ahmedabad Business Pages, the company listed in Business category.
Contact Information:
Name of Business: Edyoucate
Business Address: C-1 Purnima Society, Ghod Dod Road,
Landmark: Near Kotak House
City & Pin Code: Surat – 395007
State & Country: Gujarat, India
Phone No / Mobile No: +91 – 8866230077
Contact Person: N. A
Business Category: Education
Type of Business: Training Institute
Website: https://www.edyoucate.in
Transform your academic setbacks into opportunities for growth and success with Edyoucate.