DSS Projects Management | Architectural Design Services, Interior Design Services in Ahmedabad
DSS Projects Management ( De’s Design ) is sustainable Architectural Design Services, Interior Design Services Provider in Ahmedabad. De’s Design was established in Ahmedabad in 1991 by Architect Devang Shah. The company provides architectural and interior designing services to property developers, private clients and hotel groups around the world. The company also provide Turn Key project solution for the corporate interior which includes designing to complete execution services.
Services: Architectural Services, Interior Designing Services, Flooring Designs, Restaurant Interior Design, Luxury Interior Design, Residential Interior Design Services, Home Decor Services, Shop Interior Design, Office Interior Design, Modern Interior Design, Home Interior Design services, Commercial Interior Design, Bedroom Interior Designs.
Here you can find business information of company such as business address, contact Nos., contact persons, products & services and nature of business etc.. At Ahmedabad Business Pages company listed in Construction & Real Estate Business category.
Contact Information:
Name of Business : DSS Projects Management – De’s Design
Business Address : 803-4, Harikrupa Tower, Opp. Gujarat College Ground, Ellisbridge
Landmark : Near Gujarat College
City & Pin Code : Ahmedabad – 380006
State & Country : Gujarat, India
Phone No : +91-79-26442016, 9924119785
Contact Person : Devang Shah
Business Category : Construction, Real Estate
Type of Business : Architectural Design Services, Interior Design Services