DSP BlackRock Mutual Fund in Ahmedabad | DSP BlackRock Investment Managers Pvt. Ltd.
DSP BlackRock Mutual Fund in Ahmedabad is one of the premier asset management companies in India, manage by DSP BlackRock Investment Managers Pvt. Ltd. The DSP Group, headed by Mr. Hemendra Kothari, is one of the oldest financial services firms in India. The company has a deep presence in every major capital market in the world. It is a joint venture between the DSP Group and BlackRock.
The company is the largest listed asset management company in the world. BlackRock is a truly global firm that combines the benefits of worldwide reach with local service and relationships. The company has a track record of over 145 years and was one of the founding members of the Bombay Stock Exchange. The company is a premier provider of investment solutions through a variety of product structures, including mutual funds, individual and institutional separate accounts.
The company today employs more than 9,300 talented professionals and maintains offices in 26 countries around the world and managing assets for investors in Europe, Asia, North and South America, Australia, Africa and the Middle East. BlackRock’s investor base includes union and industry pension plans, corporate, public, governments, third-party mutual funds, insurance companies, endowments, corporations, foundations; charities, official institutions, banks, financial professionals, sovereign wealth funds, and individuals worldwide. The company also provide SIP Calculator, Asset Allocation Tool, Returns calculator, investment services, mutual fund NAV, mutual fund calculator, investment news, investment portfolio, types of mutual funds and more on website to invest online. DSP BlackRock Investment Managers Pvt. Ltd. is the investment manager to DSP BlackRock Mutual Fund. The functional dimension looks at the company’s operations by specific task, such as account management or operations.
Fixed Income Schemes
- DSPBR Banking & PSU Debt Fund
- DSPBR Treasury Bill Fund
- DSPBR Bond Fund
- DSPBR Strategic Bond Fund
- DSPBR Government Securities Fund
- DSPBR Short Term Fund
- DSPBR Income Opportunities Fund
- DSPBR Money Manager Fund
- DSPBR Liquidity Fund
Equity Schemes
- DSPBR Focus 25 Fund
- DSPBR Equity Fund
- DSPBR Top 100 Equity Fund
- DSPBR India T.I.G.E.R. Fund (The Infrastructure Growth and Economic Reforms Fund)
- DSPBR Technology Fund
- DSPBR Micro Cap Fund
- DSPBR Tax Saver Fund
- DSPBR Natural Resources and New Energy Fund
- DSPBR Small and Mid Cap Fund
- DSPBR Opportunities Fund
Fixed Maturity Plans
- DSP BlackRock FMP – Series 127 – 3M
- DSP BlackRock FMP – Series 128 – 12M
Hybrid Schemes
- DSPBR Balanced Fund
Here you can find business information of company such as business address, contact Nos., contact persons, products & services and nature of business etc.. At Ahmedabad Business Pages company listed in Business Services provider Business category.
Contact Information:
Name of Business : DSP BlackRock Investment Managers Pvt. Ltd ( DSP BlackRock Mutual Fund )
Business Address : 301, 3rd EYE ONE, 3rd Floor, Opposite Havmor Restaurant, Panchavati, C.G Road
Landmark : Near Havmor Restaurant
City & Pin Code : Ahmedabad – 380006
State & Country : Gujarat, India
Phone No : +91 – 079 – 39812855 ( Monday – Friday (9:30 AM – 5:30 PM)
Fax No : +91 – 079 – 39812855
Toll Free No : 1800-200-4499
Business Category : Business Services
Type of Business : Mutual Fund Company