Dhanur Textiles in Chandigarh| Textile Felt Manufacturers, Exporters & Suppliers
Dhanur Textiles, Bhartiya Udyog Ratna Award winner is a prominent Textile Felt & Industrial Woolen Felts Exporters, Manufacturers and Suppliers in Chandigarh, India, affiliated with the Confederation of Indian Industry (CII). The company was established in the year of 1985 by Mr. Sandeep Kaushal. The company has state-of-the-art infrastructure includes qualified analysts, designers, and engineers. The group offers wide range of industrial felts that includes Textile Processing Felt, Endless Felts, Endless Woolen Felt Blankets, Endless Clearer Cloth, endless woven felt, endless clearer cloth, zero-zero shrinkage machine felts, calender woolen felts, press and mild glazing felts, baby calenders, sanforizing felts, paper & paper board felts and roofing felts. The company also provide Wollen Felts with 8mm-9mm thickness 3800-4000 GSM for following machines:
- Baby Felt Calender Machines
- Heat Transfer Printing Machines
- Compressive Shrinking Machines
- Sanforizing Machines
- Zero-Zero Machines
- Compactor Machines, Hosiery Finishing Machines
- Felts for Dhall Zero-Zero Shrinkage Range Machines
- Felts for Swastik Make Wet Processing Finshing Machinery
- Felts for Mornford Calendering Machines
- Felts for Handmade Paper Units, Paper & Board Mills.
Here you can find business information of company such as business address, contact Nos., contact persons, products & services and nature of business etc.. At Ahmedabad Business Pages company listed in Industrial Supplies Business category.
Contact Information:
Name of Business : Dhanur Textiles
Business Address : Plot No.368, Industrial Area, Phase-1
City & Pin Code : Panchkula – 134113
State & Country : Haryana, India
Phone No : +91 – 172-2605006
Fax No : +91 – 079 -172-2566735
Contact Person : Sandeep Kaushal
Mobile No : +91- 172-9814007831
Business Category : Industrial Supplies
Type of Business : Textile Felt & Industrial Woolen Felts Exporters, Manufacturers and Suppliers