Autus Lab Pvt. Ltd | Nanoparticles Suppliers in Ahmedabad
Autus Lab Pvt. Ltd is a leading Nanoparticles Suppliers in Ahmedabad. The company was founded in the year of 2014 by Mr. Devang Gandhi with aims to establish a portfolio of nano technology based materials to be sold in form of final products and become a Nanotechnology pioneer. The company team is made up of industry prominent scientific experts in nanotechnology and medical field as well as highly qualified business professionals.
The company offers extensive range of nano materials including Graphene Oxide, Gold Nanoparticles, Graphene, Carbon Nanotube, Silver nanoparticles, Magnetic Nanoparticles, Hydrophobic Coating, Titanium Dioxide and Quantum Dots to many industries like wood, paper, plastic, rubber, automotive, aeronautic, fabric, household appliances, paint and building industries, wire & cable sector and packaging manufacturers. The company has the ability to meet the customer requirement expeditiously. The company is a strive to deliver high-quality, reliable products that our customers can use with confidence.
The main vision of the company is to bridge the demand and supply gap by delivering a quality product at low acquisition cost through global sourcing.”
“Company’s mission is to make its own establishment in other countries for long-term business.”The company has its own tradition and ethics for the development of business and believe in long term associations and give great importance to a fulfillment of their promise in terms of quality and delivery schedule.
- Gold Nanoparticles, Silver Nanoparticles
- Graphene, Carbon Nanotube, Magnetic nanoparticles
- Hydrophobic Coatings
- Quantam Dots, Titanium Dioxcide
Here you can find business information of company such as business address, contact Nos., contact persons, products & services and nature of business etc.. At Ahmedabad Business Pages company listed in Industrial Supplies Business category.
Contact Information:
Name of Business : Autus Lab Pvt. Ltd
Business Address : C-401, Titanium City Center, Near Sachin Tower, Anandnagar
Landmark : Near Sachin Tower
City & Pin Code : Ahmedabad – 380015
State & Country : Gujarat, India
Phone No : +91 – 09377114937
Contact Person : Mr. Devang Gandhi
Mobile No : +91- 9724242430
Business Category : Industrial Supplies
Type of Business :Nanoparticles Suppliers